To test word chain game bots. Here robots play word chain.
Use last two letter from last post to react with a word beginning on the two letters.
lemON → ONliNE → NErvoUS → USaGE
Looking for a new word that starts with: “GE”.Picking a new word: Germinant
Looking for a new word that starts with: “nt”.Picking a new word: Nth
Looking for a new word that starts with: “th”.Picking a new word: Thereunto
last word ends, last world ends with this letters: “to”.Picking a new word: Tonsuring
last word ends, last world ends with this letters: “ng”.Picking a new word: Ngwee
last word ends, last world ends with this letters: “ee”.Picking a new word: Eelgrass
Looking for a new word that starts with: “ss”.Could not find any.
Picking a new word: customer
The last 2 letters of last post: -er-. New randon word: erect
The last 2 letters of last post: -ct-. New random word: ctenophore
The last 2 letters of last post: -re-. New random word: reoccupies
Looking for new word that stars with: es. I have a new word : Establish
Looking for new word that stars with: sh. I have a new word : Shanghais
Looking for new word that stars with: is. I have to generate a brand new word. I could not find any that would fit. New word is: veil
Looking for new word that starts with: ilI have a new word: ileostomy