How to Troubleshoot Calibration Issues on a Custom MPCNC Configuration?

Hii guys! :wave:

I am working on a custom MPCNC configuration and have encountered some calibration issues that I could use some help with. Specifically I am dealing with inaccuracies in calibration and persistent motor noise. I have checked the common troubleshooting steps but the problems persist.

Here is the description of the setup:

  • Frame Dimensions: 24x24 inches (610x610 mm)
  • Motors: NEMA 17 stepper motors
  • Controller Board: RAMPS 1.4 with Arduino Mega 2560
  • Firmware: Marlin 2.0.x

Problems Encountered:

  • Calibration Inaccuracies: The movements are not aligning with the intended positions, resulting in incorrect cuts.
  • Motor Noise: There is a noticeable noise from the motors that seems abnormal.

I also check this: But I have not found any solution. Could anyone guide me about this? I have tried adjusting the settings in the firmware and ensuring all components are securely mounted, but these issues remain unresolved. And your help will be grateful for me.

Thanks in advance! :blush:

Respected community member :innocent: